The Price Check screen is used for verifying what products are available in inventory, and presents the standalone retail price for items that can be sold.

The system will match items by having the search term:

    • Fully or partially match the Item Description of the product
    • Fully or partially match the Item ID of the product
    • Fully or partially match a Feature Label of the product

 Inventory/Price Check - Accessories tab

 mPOS Invnetory - price check - accessories

On clicking the Item ID, a product information popup will display.

Inventory/Price Check – Accessory tab – Product Information popup

mPOS Invnetory price check - product information

Inventory/Price Check - Devices tab

mPOS Invnetory price check - devices

On clicking Item ID, product information popup will appear.

Inventory/Price Check - Devices tab – Product Information

mPOS Invnetory price check - product information popup