The plans available to be applied to a device in MT-POS shopping cart screen need to be pre-configured using MT-POS service plan management screen.

The Plan Management utility can be opened from the Administration menu > Product Management > Plan Management.

Plan Management entry point

On the Service Plans screen, select the Add (+) link to create a new plan. In the Add New Plan panel:

    1. Enter the Item ID of the product to which the plan will be applied. 
    2. Enter the plan, and then select the Carrier, Tier and Term.
    3. Enter the plan price for the device, applicable when selling with plan.
    4. Enter the MT-POS Code for the plan and select the Start and End dates.
    5. Click the Save and Close button.

Add/Edit a Plan

Add/Edit a Plan

Screen Data Elements




Item ID (SKU)

Type-in box

Enter the Item ID of the product to which the plan will be applied


Select from list

Name the Plan


Select from list

Select the Carrier. Pre-configured in System.


Select from list

Select the Tier


Select from list

Select the Term. Pre-configured in system.


Type-in box

Enter the product price according to the payment terms defined

POS Code

Type-in box

Enter the POS Code for the plan

From Date

Select from list

Select the start date

To Date

Select from list

Select the end date

Save and Close


Save the updates

If the date of the newly created plan is overlapping with an existing plan which has the same attributes, you will get an error message “Dates overlap with an existing plan”